Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010

Hey family. It was so great to talk to you all yesterday. Sorry Dad and stacy it was so short. I feel soooo bad about that. It was hard to talk to everyone. We only had 30 minutes to talk to our families and i went well over that time. I feel really bad. Things are going great. I ghad a great christmas and I really love the time of service to the Lord. I love being able to see people act upon their faith and use their agency correctly, and on the other hand its sad when they use it poorly. During this Christmas season i really for the first time in my life understood the importance of it. It is about celebrating Christs birth and his miraculous life. He lived through love and service, compassion and devotion. He is everything we should strive to become. His life was one of humility and faith. Just like Kelly said to me, we have a message lke none other. A message of the true teachings of Jesus Christ. We have the fulness of the Gospel. We have the fulness of the Atonement. As we talked with members investigators and people on the street i realized that the economic troubles really can be seen in a very positive way. Those who didnt have the money for presents and the material part of christmas were able to focus morew on the real meaning. The savior and the joy and love he brings to the family. I feel that these times are for a reason. Perhaps this will help more and more desire the true happiness in life, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the experiences I am havng and the people I am meeting. I am really so grateful for this opportunity to serve the lord. I have been really trying to learn something new from everyone i meet the past couple of days and it has been such a difference in how i view people. Everybody has feelings needs and they are all truly children of God. They all have reason to live and purpose to life. They all have something to say and deserve tyo be listened to. The lord will place us in places where someone needs help always. Member or set apart missionary. We just need to be sensitive to the spirit and to our surroundings. I love the scripture in mosiah 2:17. We need to act upon that scripture and make it a part of our lives. I love you all so much!!!! Please let me know what happens with KC and college. I klove you all! Thanks for everything! Con mucho amor, Elder Craig Bills

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