Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 28, 2011

Hey Fam!
How is everything going? Things here are so good. We have been so busy! I love being assistant because I have been able to interact with the missionaries so much more and learn from them a ton! I am so grateful for this opportunity. Today we started Zone Conference. We will be going up to Bakersfield for 2 days then to Thousand Oaks then to San Luis Obispo on Friday to end the Conferences. Todays meeting was very edifying. I really enjoyed learning about the Doctrine of Christ from President Castro. He is very loving. I had a co experience where I was led by the Spirit today. A missionary asked a question about obedience. He asked if it was sinning if he followed impressions that he had at 9 pm to stop by a house where they would teach and help people but would ultimatley make them stay past 10 pm. he said he felt like he recieved it from the Holy Ghost and he felt like he helped the people a lot. As I listened intently for President Castro's reply, I was suprised to hear him say, "I think I am going to ask Elder Bills to answer this question. I feel like he has had similar experiences and could help you understand it better." It was a great experience. The spirit led me and helped me speak the things that needed to be said. I am so grateful for the Spirit without him we are so inadequate to do the Lords work. We cant do His work without the Spirit. I love the missionaries in this mission.
This past week we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders in Simi Valley Thousand oaks and Camarillo. It was super fun! I learned so much from these Elders. It is such an honor to work with all of these worthy missionaries. Elder Cook is one of my good friends who is in T.O and he and I taught these people from China. They barely speak english and it was really hard to teach them, but something that really is amazing to me is that Gods love knows NO boundaries. We can feel of His love for others regardless of race or color. We can, by emulating Christs example, help people feel God's love. The Gospel enpowers us with this understanding. That through Christ, we can return to live with God. That through His sacrifice we are able to become completely clean from error and sin. His love is endless!
I was able to go to the young mans baptism who Elder Snelson and I were teaching. Freddy is his name. It was a special day! Since the first time we began teaching him until his baptism he made incredible changes. He worked hard through opposition to be baptized. I know that the grace of Christ strengthened him becasue he did his part and the Lord was the difference.
I love you guys so much. I hope you gave an awesome week. You all are so great. I love you!! Love ELder Bills
P.s it has been like 70 degrees here. So nice.

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