Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 19 2010- Kevan

I am in mendoza this week. We will be here until thursday for a conferance. We are learning a new program, or actually new focuses, that the church wants for us. They are nothing new but just focusing on things that we should better on. We learn in the morning and at 3:30 we leave, work, and practice in the real world. So i am excited! Guess where i will be working for the week to practice these things... PALMIRA! I am excited. I will be working with elder hurst from idaho.
This week was great. WE had much much sucess. Our numbers were very high but more important more people were taught about Christ. What a great week!
One lady, Maria Lucero, was just amazed as she heard for the first time, the restoration. She loved it and kept saying, wow, i have never heard of that. she is great and is progressing so well. I left her some scriptures to read and she read most of them. She loved it so much. her testimony of the Book of Mormon is growing so much!
Oh, so we went to a town called the Matadero. it is acutally a barrio. We found a pure Gaucho named Valdez. We went into his tiny homeade wood house with a dirt floor. As we walked it he had all sorts of stuff from gauchos. He had a goats head with evearything on it besides the skin and fur, insides of animals, cow hide, pictures of horses, etc. We talked to him for a bit and went outside and sat by a tiny fire that he made and we taught him the Restoration. it was an amazing expirience. _He cant read but really liked what we taught. We need to take it slow with him. He is a great and very humble man. I loved teaching him in that atmosphere outside in the cold, a poor place. But i felt the Spirit way strong.
I love it!
I have been focusing my studies on the atonement and the priesthood. ALso on understanding more in depth the things that we teach. This week i studied one day the restoration. I had so many questions about things. but i kept studying and God really iluminated my mind and taught me. I loved it. I know that these things are the true. I love Jesus Christ and know that He lives. Joseph Smith saw what he said that he saw. This is the restored church of Jesus Christ.
Sorry for the quick letter. We are on a tight schedule. We are going to go and open the mouth now and contact and then we are finishing pday playing soccor and stuff.
Family, I love you all tons! Have a great week and have fun in Cali!! Be safe!
I love you and thank you so much for all that you do,
Elder Kevan Bills

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