Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1, 2010 - Craig

How is everyone doing?? I loved the pictures from Halloween!! The kids are so cute! Thanks for the email mom and dad! Well this morning we got calls from President Murri and they are splitting our area. I will be working in Shafter now which is about 8 miles from Wasco and i will be the senior companion to Elder Graff. Elder Ray is staying in Wasco and he is training! It is going to be a change but i am excited. We will now be a 4 man apartment so we will see how that goes ha. I loved the family history stuff mom! Its good to know how we were introduced to the church! And that I am sweedish! Thats way cool! I am excited to get more info about our ancestors. This past week was pretty good. We did some service and kept busy. This past week in my personal studies I had such an awesome experience/realization. I was studying about our heavenly father. I was reading the great scripture in Moses 1:39. His work and his glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, in other words to help all of his children become like him. I was really pondering on this. I was also reading in the teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith and he has a lot of incredible statements about Heavenly Fathers relationship with us. He said all of his laws were created so that we would have the ability to become like him. As i sat pondering about this and truly trying to understand the scriptures and quotes i had read, I really realized that that is indeedhis purpose. That our heavenly father loves us more than we can imagine and that he truly wants us to become like him, to experience the joy and blessings he has and to be exalted as he is. I felt closer to our heaveny father than ever before, and since then i have been seeing people more and more and sons and daughters of god. It was awesome! I love Heavenly Father and we are so blessed. This life is SO important and we need to always have that goal in mind. To return to live with him in his prescence. This past week we taught some new investigators and i know that this is a huge blessing to spread this gospel! We are really working on helping investigators progress. There are a ton who have potential but really need to have an inner desire to come unto christ. There is only so much we can do. They need to commmit themselves to read and pray. We just invite and help them by showing them and truly loving them! You cant fake charity!I love you guys so much! Thansks for all you do !!!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much. Love Elder Bills

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