Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 - Kevan

Hey family! How is everything going? It sounds like everything is great and pretty cold there in Utah. Here it was raining all night but other than that it is just soso HOT!
This week was fantastic. Church was amazing!
We changed the hours and we have church in the morning now. My comp. and i got to the house and we were the first ones there. The next people were a big suprise... the bishop of the main ward in Santa Lucia and the stake president. They were so happy and said that everyone had been talking about our area and they needed to come and see what was going on. Pressure.... ha ha. so no one else showed up for about 10 minutes. But eventually they all came! YES! We had an assistance of about 27 people! THey was no room to sit. We had 8 investigators there and the rest were inactives and 3 actives! Wow! We were so happy. The bishop and president spoke and it was perfect. I loved seeing the faces of our investigators after. THey just looked so peaceful and content. THey were excited as well. They left and were smiling and it was just perfect. We have 7 of them getting baptized this saturday. It will be an amazing day. Our goal for this month is 12 and with these people we will reach 10. So we will see what type of miracles God will give us this week. Hopefully we can reach the goal.
I love this last area. It is hard and tiring but i love it. I feel like we and the members are like true pioneers working in this place, establishing the church and letting all know about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing like it. It reminds me a little of Justo Daract. A tiny area with no distractions. A sacred place to focus a work!
Last night probably the strangest thing that has happened to me on my mission happened. I feel like it is the devil working against us now. We were waiting at the bus stop to go back home and we were contacting people that walked pàssed us. I started walking with some people and stopped and turned around becuase they would not even recognize that i was there. But before i turned around i saw a catholic priest running out of his church with his big robe on yelling a me! ha, i walked to my comp and asked if he was yelling at us and he was. So we turned around and he signaled us tocome over. We went and just wanted to be loving to him. This guy was rude though. I am glad my comp couldnt understand too much because this guy was saying some real inaapropiate things. But we testified saying that we are representatives of Jesus Christ here inviting people to come to Him. I asked him that if he was a man of God what his purpose was. And why he was so angry. But he just got more angry. So we left. It was strange. But so it was with the early pioneers and the persecution that they recieved while following Christ.
We had an amazing lesson with Nancy. I did not know what to teach. Then the Lord told us. Revelation is so real. We taught her exactly what she needed to stop smoking. Suprisingly it issomething i never would have taught for that problem, the law of chastity. but the Lord truly knows His children and know what we need. Since that day Nancy has not smoked a single cigarrete and is doing amazing! Her and her children will get baptized this saturday! Miracles are happening in 9 de Julio.
I love this Gospel. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that have so much patience with us. I love them and knbow that they live.
This is the truth. I love you all so much family! HAve a wonderful week!
And HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I forgot it was here because they do not even have it here in ARgentina. We´ll think of something to do!
I love you all and enjoy the week!
Love, Elder Kevan Bills

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