Monday, November 29, 2010

November 29, 2010 - Kevan

Hello Family!

Wow, what a crazy weekend! We had some incredible miracles! We baptized 4 people this last weekend. The other missionaries in our ward who serve in Santa Lucia baptized 8. So we had a huge Blanco Baptism! It was amazing and the people especially the bishop was sosososo excited! I felt the Spirit so strong there. One bad thing that happened is that we had 3 other people who were going to get baptized as well but did not show up!!!! Our area is so far away from the chapel and there few buses on saturday and so we could not get hold of her. Sadly they couldnt go because the mom was working. But she is still doing amazing and this saturday she will be getting baptized with hopefully her 2 kids. We have a few other people that we want to see if they´ll get baptized. So it will be a pretty good way to end the mission, with baptisms!!! The people who got baptized are Gustavo Bravo (25), Nancy, Nikolaus, and Florencia Pelayes. It was amazing! THese people are so happy and I love them tons! I hope the best for them. The Pelayes family was baptized by there son who was baptized 3 months ago. They are so happy to have the Gospel and it is amazing to see the unity that they have with this knowledge of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Last night we got to go to visit my converts in Retiro; Americo Gonzalez and Dolinda, Mariana and David Pelayes. It was amazing! We walked in and I gave a huge hug to Americo and he was just Crying! These people are so amazing. Now in January they are going to THE TEMPLE!!!!! YES!!!!! Also if you remember Gisela is getting sealed in January too!!! YES! I cant even explain how good i feel. I read Alma 29 this morning and many of those verses explain how i feel much better than i can. We ate some Chori Pan and pizza with them and just talked. They are great. Mariana bore her testimony to mat the end and she was just crying. Some of the things that they said make me feel like they were talking about someone else. I was thinking, What? I did that for you? I know that we can all make little or big differences in everybodies life. I think the important thing is that we can be so close to Heavenly Father and be so intune with the Spirit so we are instruments in HIS hands. He will truly put us where we need to be and use us to perform this great and special work among His Children. God understands. He knows. We just need to trust and follow Him. His plan is so perfect and so simple when we think and expirement with it.

We had a great expirence with the power of God and the Priesthood on Tuesday. I can tell you all later about it though.

I bought some stuff for you all today. I hope you like it. I have only spent about 300 pesos. President invited me to go to Acongagua this week so one of these days i will go down and buy some good stuff for everyone.

I love you all so much family! I think this might be the last letter I will write before i see everyone. It is so wierd and i feel really strange. I am grateful that we have baptisms this weekend so we will keep working hard si o si. But it is still strange to say that we´ll be seeing eachother next week! I think it will be a hard change. ha, i wanted to bad to have the gift of conversation and better conversational skills given to me on the mission. I really feel like God has blessed me with that. But... it spanish. ha, I am not sure how well i can carry on a convo. in english. It might me a little akword. Just have patience with me. ha

Have a great week family! And stay safe! I love you all tons!

See you next week!

Love Elder Kevan Bills

P.S. Our zone won the mission Cup and broke the recored for most baptisms in one month! YES!

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