Friday, July 15, 2011

April 4, 2011

Hey Family! Conference was incredible. I have never felt the spirit so strong in my life. I am so grateful for this Church, all that it does for us as a family and how we are strenghtned by the testimonies of our leaders. Conferences have become my favorite time of the year. As I was watching and listening I felt the love of Heveanly Father so much. As I was thinking about conference, I realized how incredible our leaders are. To me, it is a testimony that they are true followers of Christ. I was thinking about how so much prayer pondering, fasting and thought and study went into all of the talks. They are sure of their responsibilty and commitment to Christ. They share their insights with us because they love Christ and they love each and every one of us. They do all of this so that we can learn ways to develope the attributes of Christ and to make the most of our life here on earth. They love us and through them we can learn how to come unto Christ with a full purpose of heart. I loved conference. I realized how love is the crowning attribute and the most important thing we need to develope. Elder Richard G. Scott's talk was the most loving talk I have ever heard. I realized that he is just a regular man just like us. But he has lived his life in a way to develope and have the attributes of Christ especially Love and Charity. I realized that it is so posible to develope these attributes and become like Christ. He spoke with the love that I imagine Christ would speak. It was huge for my testimony and desire to become more like Christ!
It was hard recieving the phone call from President Murri about Grandma. It was really hard. It was unexpected! I didnt think she was close to passing away. I was on exhanges with Elder Soza at the time and we were just about to go into an appointment when I recieved the message. It is hard to lose someone who is so close to you and someone who has been apart of your whole life! As I have been thinking about the Plan of Salvation, it has brought me so much comfort and hope. After I found out about Grandma, I was praying very hard to just recieve strength and literally I was filled with comfort almost immediatley. I felt a hope rush through me. I am SO grateful fopr this plan of Hope, Happiness, and salvation! As I have been thinking about Grandma and this Plan, I have been filled with joy at thinking that she will be reunited with Grandpa Haacke. I imagine the reunion was sweet! Grandma Haacke was such an incredible example to me and to all of us. I have thought a lot about the memories I have of her. As I have thought her Christlike attributes have jumped out at me. She was so full of Love, Charity, Service, Faith , Hope. I was thinking about how before my mission she gave me and Jeff $20 to go to taco bell! We went and got some and came back and ate it with her and just talked. Her love was so deep for her family. Justhaving us there with her, I know she wouldnt have wanted to be anywhere else. During conference I was thinking of when we would go to her house and watch the second session of conference with her. Simple memories of her have helped me find comfort and hapopiness this past week. Thinking back, I was always so comfortable at her house and I lioved beong there. I have realized the reason for this comfort and feeling so comfortbale in her home was becasue of the Spirit that was always in her home. She was always radiating with it. Christs countenance truly shined through her. I love her so much! She lived such a great life and she was and is a great example! We should have such an immense hope through the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement that we live our lives according to Gods will so that we can be reunited with our family for eternity. I am so grateful for this gospel and for this plan. Heveanly Father loves us. I know he does. Jesus Christ lives. I love you guys so much! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to testify of this plan of hope. The past couple of days have made my testimony so much stronger of this plan! I know that Grandma is free of pain and happy.
I love you all so much! Have a good week and I will continue to keep tyou in my prayers! I love you guys more than anything!!! Have fun in Lompoc! Love Elder Craig Bills

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