Friday, July 15, 2011

June 13, 2011

Hey family. This past week was awesome! So busy! We wore suits all week! Every day ha. We had Zone leaders council tuesday and then district meeting wed, then we went to another District meeting thursday and did baptismal interviews friday and Saturday! So busy but so awesome! I love this wiork. Our Zone is doing sooo awesome. In may we had 7 baptisms as a zone and we hve already had five this month with one next week and 4 on the 25th! It is awesome they ar working hard and being positive. I have seen a lot of changes in the attitude of the missionaries since I have been on my mission. We are using the fundam,entals of PMG now and have been for awhile but it has changed a lot about the way I and other missionaries do missionary work. It is more of a focus on teaching the people and specifically to there needs and foocusing on revelation recieved through the Big 3. Prayer, The book of Mormon and church attendance. I love it. It has helped me to seek for discernment in teaching and really trying to receive inspiration while we are teaching. It is aweosme to see how the Chruch is continually looking for ways to imp[rove missionary work. The leaders of the church are inspired. Itestify of that. I know it without a doubt.
We had an awesome week! We had 7 investigators at sacrement and also 5 less actives that we have been working with. We have been having so much success. We have these investigators named Jose and Angela who have been so prepaered. We invited them to be baptized on the 16 th of july and they accepted. They are already making changes without us even inviting them to do so. We taught them the Plan of Salvation on Saturyday and we were talking about our purpse here on the earth. As we were talking about it Jose said he thinks he needs to be a good father and husband but he felt like it would be hard since he has had a hard past. But then he told us that he hadnt drank for three weeks or smoked for two and he gave his ipod to his cousin because it had a lot of bad music on it. He said that he didnt feel comfortale doing those things and going to church at the same time. Angela as well has made changes. She took out her lip ring and is so positive and happy! I got choked up when they told us that they had started to make those changes. I felt the spirit confirm to me of the converting power of the gospel that comes through the Spirit. Christ changes people. They are starting to take steps to align their will with the will of the Father. I am so grateful to be apat of this work and to see the changes people make as they allow the Gospel to becoms apart of their lives.
I know that the Preisthood has been restored on the earth and that the ordinances that are performed in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are accepted by our Father in Heaven. The Book of Mormon has blessed my life more than I ever though it could. I truly know it answers all of the questions that anyone could have. Any heart felt question that we have it answers. I love this Gospel. I love it so much. I am so grateful for the blessings that come through obedience to it. My Mission has changed my life! I love you guys so much.
Love, Elder Craig Bills

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