Friday, July 15, 2011

March 21, 2011

Hey family! Thank you all so much for all the cards and letters for my Birthday! I appreciarte it so much. Thanks for the ties aswell they are so nice. This past week was good. We have been searching hard for ways to help investigators be baptized and to develope testimonies. One thing that we have been trying to really focus on is helping them DIscover the Book of Mormon for themselves. The book of mormon combined with the spirit honestly is the most powerful source for teaching. As we have been thinking of how we can do better on this we have realized that at times we just give them the answer. We dont let them think or ponder. So we have been resisting the temptaion to tel;l them and we are asking questions that will direct them to discovering the book of mormon. It has been a blessing!!!! I have felt the spirit a lot more this week during lessons because it has been the investigators discovering and understanding the Book of Mormon. I was doing the same today for myself. Really trying to discover the Book of Mormon during my personal study. I was looking at the questions of the soul in PMG and thinking of a specific inv. that we have. I started toi study foir the question how can i find peace and joy? I started reading in Mosiah 4. As i was reading I realized sopme very important things. The book of mromon teaches us exactly what we need to do in order to find happiness and come closer to Jesus Christ. If we ever feel like it doesnt that means we are not studying it with spiritual eyes. I really loved verses 11-12. They basically consumed my study. From these scriptures King Benjamin tyeaches us EXACTLY how we can use and apply the atonement of Christ in our lives to find joy, and what we should do if we want to recieve continual joy in our lives. He gives the pre reqs in v 11 and then follows up in v 12 with a promise. I know that we can find true happiness peace and joy through the atonement. The book of Mormon teaches us these things. My testimony was strenghtened of the Book of Mormon this morning and I truly discovered it. I invite you guys when you read to truyl discover it. Really read with spiritual eyes and I promise you WILL feel a confirmation from the Holy Ghost again and again that it is the most true book on earth! I love the Book of Mormon So much! I love you guys so much! This past week our district did awesome and worked way hard! Thanks for all the support. You guys are the best and I love you so much! Love Elder Bills

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